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  4. Email Templates

Email Templates

For easiness and to kick-start the setup, we have added sample templates which you can use and customize it according to your requirement. If you do not want to use any of the sample templates, choose X empty template from the select email template drop-down and click on Load/Reset Template button.

The X Empty Template uses only block 1. You can add your HTML content in Block 1.

You can also set the cart product image dimension as per your requirement.

Save the template after making changes.

You can preview the template from the Carts tab by click on the Send Email button. Send Email button shows the email preview and if you want to send the email you will need to click on Confirm & Send button in the Email Preview.

The short-code {checkout} , {unsubscribe} will not work in email preview. These are generated only when the email is sent.

The sample templates are referenced from https://stripo.email/ . Stripo is a free email designer platform. Huntbee does not own any copyrights to the sample templates added in the extension.

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