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  2. PDF Invoice Generator
  3. Installation


Step 1: Install Base Plugin

Refer guide https://www.huntbee.com/resources/docs/base-plugin-for-huntbee-extensions/installation/ to install Base Plugin. If you have already installed this, you can skip this step.

Step 2: Install PDF Invoice Generator extension

  1. Login to your admin panel
  2. Go to Extension > Extension Installer. Upload this package (pdf-invoice-pro-x.x.x.ocmod.zip)
  3. Go to Extensions > Productivity Apps
  4. You will see PDF Invoice Generator in the list
  5. Click on the Install button
  6. Click on the Edit button now and you can set up the extension as per your need.
  7. Go to Extension > Modifications. Click on the Refresh Modification button to refresh your modification cache. You will see PDF INVOICE in the modification list.
  8. Test the extension before going Live by creating dummy order and try updating the order status and check if you receive the pdf invoice attached in the email received.
  9. Also, test the Download PDF invoice button that appears in the customer order list and order info pages. This may not appear in custom templates and you will need our support to make it appear in your custom template.
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