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  4. Image Alt Tags to improve your OpenCart SEO

Image Alt Tags to improve your OpenCart SEO

Here are some image alt tag examples that can help improve the SEO of your OpenCart website:

  1. Descriptive Alt Tag: Use a descriptive alt tag that accurately describes the image and uses relevant keywords.

Example: “Black leather jacket for women – front view

  1. Brand Name: Include the brand name in the alt tag to improve brand recognition and make it easier for customers to find your products.

Example: “Nike high-performance running shoes – side view

  1. Product Name: Use the product name in the alt tag to make it clear what the image is showing and improve searchability.

Example: “Moisturizing cream – product shot

  1. Variant Name: If the image shows a variant of a product (such as a different color or style), include the variant name in the alt tag.

Example: “Leather jacket – brown front view

  1. Product Use: If the image shows the product being used or in a specific setting, include that information in the alt tag to provide context.

Example: “Women’s winter coat – outdoors in the snow

Remember to use descriptive and relevant alt tags to help users and search engines understand the content of your images. Alt tags also improve accessibility for users who may be visually impaired and rely on screen readers. Use keywords in a natural and informative way to improve the SEO of your OpenCart website.

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