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  2. Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking for OpenCart
  3. About the Extension

About the Extension

This extension covers Google Analytics standard as well as Enhanced Ecommerce Analytics, Google Ads (AdWords) Sales cum Purchase Conversion tracking, Ads Sign-up Conversion tracking, and Facebook Pixel.

You can also add Microsoft Clarity Script to this extension

Google Ecommerce tracking allows you to measure the number of transactions and revenue that your website generates. With this add-on OpenCart extension, you can record your sales transaction with google analytics, and thereby you can create reports in google analytics and monitor your sales performance, product performance, transactions, eCommerce conversion rate, unique purchases, source/medium, user location, time to purchase, etc.  Also, you can monitor shopping behavior, checkout behavior, product list performance, etc. This is an amazing extension that uses the amazing feature of google analytics.

This extension tracks the following

  1. Track Product Impressions
  2. Track Product details view
  3. Track addition of a product to a shopping cart
  4. Track removal of a product from a shopping cart (supported only for OpenCart and higher versions)
  5. Track checkout
  6. Track Purchases
  7. Track Refunds
  8. Tracks Logged-In user accurate shopping activity
  9. Language selected by the customer from your language dropdown option.

Tracking Product Impressions

The product impressions are tracked on the following pages

  1. Category pages
  2. Brand pages
  3. Special pages
  4. Search pages

The following data are tracked with the product impression tracking

  1. Product ID / SKU
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Price
  4. List type
  5. Brand
  6. Category
  7. List position (The position of the item in the list)

Tracking Product Details View

The following data are tracked for Product Viewed

  1. Product ID / SKU
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Price
  4. List type
  5. Brand
  6. Category

Tracking addition to Shopping Cart

When a customer clicks on add to cart button, the following data are sent to google analytics

  1. Product ID / SKU
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Price
  4. List type
  5. Brand
  6. Category

Tracking removal from Shopping Cart

This feature works only for Opencart and higher versions. Opencart version older than will not support this feature

When a customer removes a product from the shopping cart, the following data are sent to google analytics

  1. Product ID / SKU
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Price
  4. List type
  5. Brand
  6. Category

Tracking Checkout

This feature tracks the checkout page when the customer is initiating a checkout

The following data are sent to Google Analytics

  1. Product ID / SKU
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Price
  4. List type
  5. Brand
  6. Category

Tracking Checkout Steps

This feature works for the default checkout mode where you can track checkout steps like billing details, shipping details, shipping method, payment method.

One-Page checkout modules (3rd party add-on) do not have checkout steps to track much.

Tracking Purchases

When a customer successfully places an order, the following data are sent to google analytics

  1. Order ID
  2. Store Name
  3. Order Total Amount
  4. Order Total Tax
  5. Order Total Shipping
  6. Product ID / SKU of products in the Order
  7. Product Name of products in the Order
  8. Product Price of products in the Order
  9. Brand of products in the Order
  10. Category of products in the Order

Tracking Product Refund

This feature is added in the admin order info page, where the admin can choose the products and send the refund information to google analytics.

Custom Dimensions

Easily add custom dimensions like payment method, shipping method, order language, order status, customer ID, city, country, etc.

Ads Conversions

Here you can add your conversion scripts to track your sale conversion or sign-up conversion that occurred from your Google Ads or any other ads platform like Facebook ads. You can pass the order ID and order total information to the conversion script easily by using the short-code {order_id} and {total} respectively.

Facebook Pixel

You can easily tag your Facebook Pixel ID in this extension and pass events like Product View, Add to cart, begin checkout, Completed purchases to Facebook pixel.







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