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Google Analytics

Tracking Code / Script / Tracking ID

Analytics Tracking Code

Add your tracking code (script) from Google Analytics here in this field. Ensure you disable the OpenCart Default Google Analytics. That won’t be required if you are using this.

Refer https://www.huntbee.com/resources/docs/google-analytics-enhanced-ecommerce-tracking-for-opencart/ga4-tracking-code/ on how to get tracking code.

You can also add other tracking scripts like Microsoft Clarity https://www.bing.com/webmasters/clarity here in this field. Script Added here will be placed in the <head> section of the pages in the storefront.

Language Events

Page views with respect to Website Language

Enabling this option will record events based on the language selected by your customer.

Disable this option if your website uses a single language.

This is extremely useful to analyze your customer language preferences based on the language selected by the customer and not based on the browser language.

Collected data in Google Analytics will appear as shown below.

Custom Dimensions (Optional)

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