- Extract the downloaded package, you will see folders as per the opencart version. Choose the one appropriate as per your opencart version
- You will find google-url-shortener.ocmod.zip within the folder
- Open your admin panel and go to Extensions > Extension Installer
- Upload google-url-shortener.ocmod.zip
- Go to Extensions > Modifications. Click on Refresh. You will find Google URL Shortener Library in the modification list
- Now go to Extensions > Extensions > Modules (Extensions > Modules for opencart 2200 and older version).
- Find Google URL Shortener and click on install button
- Now Click on Edit button
- Enter the API key from your google console and save it here
- Test the Extension
Note: OpenCart 3.x.x.x will show the message that module is disabled. This is not a module that can to be added by layout to store front. It is a plugin. Therefore It is completely fine.