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  4. Page Redirects Tab

Page Redirects Tab

The Page Redirects tab allows you to manage working links and set redirect URLs for them. Unlike server-level redirects (like those handled in .htaccess files), this feature works within the OpenCart system. This means that when a URL is accessed, OpenCart will check if the URL exists in its database and, if a match is found, it will apply the redirect as the website loads.

Key Features:

  • Working Links and Redirects: This tab displays a list of all the working links that have been manually assigned a redirect by the admin. You can view both the original Working Link and its corresponding Redirect URL.
  • Auto-Save Redirects: Just like in the Broken Links tab, you can manually edit the redirect URL directly within the field provided. The system will automatically save your changes as soon as you move your cursor away from the input field, without needing to click the main Save button.

Information Displayed:

  • Links: The list of working URLs that have been assigned a redirect.
  • Redirect URL: The URL where the working link will be redirected to.
  • Hit Count: The number of times the working URL has been accessed.
  • Redirect Count: The number of times the redirect has been triggered.
  • Hit Dates: The date and time when the working link was first and last hit.

Note: Referrer information (such as referrer URL, user agent, IP, etc.) is not displayed here but can be viewed in the Broken Links tab if relevant.

Adding Links:

To add new redirects for working links, follow these steps:

  1. Click the ADD Links button at the top of the page. This will open a form.
  2. In the form, you will need to provide:
    • Working URL: The original URL of the working page.
    • Redirect URL: The destination URL where you want the working link to redirect.
    • Redirect Response Code: Select the response code (e.g., 301 for permanent, 302 for temporary).
    • Redirect Type: Set the redirect type to General Redirect (200 Redirect).

This feature helps you manage redirects for active URLs, ensuring a smooth user experience and allowing you to guide traffic effectively within your OpenCart store.

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