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  • Barra de menu rápido para a página de administração do OpenCart [3xxx]

Barra de menu rápido para a página de administração do OpenCart [3xxx]

  • $14.00

Barra de menu rápido para a página de administração do OpenCart [3xxx]| Extensões e Módulos, Extensões Premium, Aumentar a produtividade | HuntBee OpenCart Services

Às vezes, o acesso a algumas páginas no administrador pode levar 2 ou mais cliques. Com esta extensão, você pode adicionar links rápidos na parte superior da barra de menus.


  1. Responsivo para celular
  2. Adicionar links ilimitados
  3. Links de grupo no menu suspenso
  4. Adicione qualquer rota e parâmetros
  5. Classificação de links
  6. Links de edição fácil
  7. Pode usar código HTML para colorir ou estilizar os links
Compatibility 3xxx
Requirement OCMOD
Core Files Overwrite No

VERSION : 1.0.2DATE RELEASED: 16 May 2019
  • Pagination bug fix
M-G 15/03/2023

Excellent solution to speed up E-commerce management operations. With the short links, you can quickly access all the functions that we think are urgent.
Simple and intuitive installation, no problems encountered. Thanks for your great work.

M-G 25/02/2023

Very useful extension, I find that having buttons directed to daily functions is very useful. Extension easy to install, simple to connect. The support always works and I have nothing to complain about. Thank you.

LuiS Salvador 30/11/2021

Very cool extension, also wanna thank Huntbee support for their kindly support they give to my issues with extensio, Keep it up!

Grant Robinson 09/05/2019

You have to try this - has improved my order processing greatly - much better workflow not having to dig through menu's from orders to shipping
Well worth the purchase

David Cropley 05/04/2019

Genuinely useful moduel which will be a real timesave. Priyo's help was awesome on this!

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