SEO Admin Base Plugin by HuntBee

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  2. SEO Admin Base Plugin by HuntBee
  3. Installation


For OpenCart 2.x.x.x and 3.x.x.x

This is an OCMOD based plugin and needs to be installed via admin panel's extension installer.

  1. Extract the zip package
  2. Choose the folder according to your opencart version
  3. Login to your website admin and navigate to menu : Extension > Extension Installer
  4. Upload the zip package
  5. Navigate to menu: System > User > User Groups.
  6. Click on the appropriate user group and click on edit
  7. Assign permission as highlighted in the screenshot below and click on Save button
  8. Now Navigate to Extension > Modifications and click on the Refresh Button. You should be able to see the "Assign Permission to HuntBee SEO Modules​" in the modification List
  9. For opencart 23xx and higher: Navigate to Extension > Extensions. Click on the drop down selection and you will see "SEO Extensions [HuntBee]" in the list. For opencart 2000 to 2200, Navigate to Extension > SEO Extensions
  10. You are done

Video Demonstration : Installation and Setup

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