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Short-codes based on Order Information

{order_id}Order ID
{link}Customer Order Info view link
{date_added}Order Date
{order_total}Order Total
{payment_address}Payment Address
{shipping_address}Shipping Address
{order_id}Order ID
{invoice_no}Invoice Number
{invoice_prefix}Invoice Prefix
{store_id}Store ID
{store_name}Store Name
{store_url}Store URL
{customer_id}Customer ID
{firstname}Customer First Name
{lastname}Customer Last Name
{email}Customer Email
{telephone}Customer Telephone
{comment}Customer Comment added in the order
{total}Total amount without formatting
{date_modified}Last modified date

More short-codes: Enclose the variable with {}

payment_firstname, payment_lastname, payment_company, payment_address_1, payment_address_2, payment_postcode, payment_city, payment_zone_id, payment_zone, payment_zone_code, payment_country_id, payment_country, payment_iso_code_2, payment_iso_code_3, payment_method, payment_code, shipping_firstname, shipping_lastname, shipping_company, shipping_address_1, shipping_address_2, shipping_postcode, shipping_city, shipping_zone_id, shipping_zone, shipping_zone_code, shipping_country_id, shipping_country, shipping_iso_code_2, shipping_iso_code_3, shipping_address_format, shipping_method, shipping_code, order_status_id, order_status, affiliate_id, commission, language_id, language_code, currency_id, currency_code, currency_value, customer_group_id, ip, forwarded_ip, user_agent, accept_language

Short-codes based on Store Configuration

{config_name}Store Name
{config_owner}Store Owner
{config_address}Store Address
{config_geocode}Store Geocode
{config_email}Store Email Address
{config_address}Store Address
{config_telephone}Store Telephone
{config_fax}Store Fax
{config_open}Store Opening Hours
{config_comment}Store Comment
{config_meta_title}Store Meta Title
{config_logo}Location of the logo image (eg: catalog/logo.png)

Short-codes for Special Blocks

{payment_info}Information block based on the selected payment method by the customer
{shipping_info}Information block based on the selected shipping method by the customer
{customer_group_info}Information block based on the Customer Group of the customer
{downloads_info}Information block if the order contains any downloadable products

Additional Short-codes

{current_date}Date of invoice creation in YYYY-MM-DD format
{current_time}Date of invoice creation in HH:MM:SS format
{store_address_br}Store Address as it is mentioned in the system setting (line by line)

Dynamic Order Total Short-codes

{order_total_xx} where xx is the order total code. For example {order_total_total}, {order_total_sub_total}, {order_total_tax} . The output will be currency formatted value.

{order_total_value_xx} where xx is the order total code. For example {order_total_value_total}, {order_total_value_sub_total}, {order_total_value_tax} . The output is a float integer value.

Order shipment Shortcodes

To use the following short-codes, you must have installed Shipment Details Tracker Extension. These shortcodes are available from version 2.1.4

{tracking_id}Tracking ID or Consignment ID or Number for the shipment
{tracking_link}Tracking Link / URL for the shipment
{shipment_partner}Logistics or shipment Service Provider for the particular product/order
{delivery_date}Expected Delivery Date
{shipped_products}List of products shipped (Ordered List)
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