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  2. Email Template Designer Pro
  3. Update Instructions
  4. 3.0 to 3.1

3.0 to 3.1

Please refer to changelog instructions on the extension product page for the list of updates

The update has been made to extension files and no changes done to ocmod.

It is always recommended to take complete backup of your website before attempting any upgradation or update

Method 1 – via FTP – [Safest and Recommended]

  1. Open your server directory via filezilla 
  2. Download the latest version from your downloads section
  3. Unzip it, and extract the admin and catalog folder to your local
  4. Now copy or drag admin and catalog folder to your web root directory such that it merges with the existing one. Old files of this extension will be overwritten

Method 2 – via Extension Installer

  1. Download the latest version from your downloads section
  2. Make sure the file name ends with .ocmod.zip
  3. Login to your admin
  4. Go to Extensions > Modification. 
  5. If you find EMAIL TEMPLATES MAPPING in the list, delete it
  6. Go to Extensions > Extension Installer and upload the extension
  7. Go to Extensions > Modification. Click Refresh Modification button
  8. Go to extension and test it.
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