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  2. Sales Performance Report
  3. Installation


  • This extension uses Base Plugin
  • This extension is an independent extension and doesn't uses any OCMOD or VQMOD modifications.
  • No database table is created
  • This extension has no relevance with whatever store templates you use for your store front end
  • This extension uses Google Charts Library

Step 1: Install Base Plugin

Refer guide https://www.huntbee.com/resources/docs/base-plugin-for-huntbee-extensions/installation/ to install Base Plugin. If you have already installed this, you can skip this step.

(If your opencart version is or 2.1.x.x, make sure your base plugin version is 2.1 or higher. You can see the extension version from your modification list)

Step 2: Install Extension

  1. Download the package as per your opencart version. The downloaded zip package must have the name similar to xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx.ocmod.zip
  2. Login to your admin panel
  3. Go to Extension > Extension Installer. Upload this package (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx.ocmod.zip)
  4. Go to Extension > Productivity Apps. (If you do not see this menu, please go through the troubleshooting article)
  5. Here you can find the newly installed extensions, click install buttons of each extensions.
  6. Click edit button of any of these extensions, you will find settings button. Click on it and choose the order status and click save.
  7. You are done, explore the extensions. 


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