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  4. Coupon


Coupon Rules

Add coupon code generation rules here. The rule is based on 3 factors

  1. Cart Value (sub-total)
  2. Discount value
  3. Percentage or fixed amount type

The format for the coupon rule is

cart value : discount value : percentage / fixed

So a rule 100:10:p means 10% discount coupon for cart more than $100

Similarly, 100:10:f means $10 (default currency) discount coupon for cart more than $100

You can add multiple rules using commas

for example: 100:10:p, 200:15:p, 300:20:f

the above example means if the cart value is more than $100, then 10% discount coupon will be generated.

If the cart value is more than $200, then 15% discount coupon will be generated.

If the cart value is more than $300, then 20$ discount coupon will be generated.

If you want to use one common rule for coupon generation regardless of the cart value, then mention value like this


The above rule means 10% discount coupon code.

You can set up to 2 coupon code rules.

One for the first abandoned email to the customer, and another rule for the reminder abandoned cart email to give more discounts to the customer.

In some cases where coupon codes cannot be generated because none of the rules can be applied to the cart value, in such cases, you would like to hide the coupon block text.

Therefore enclose the coupon block with shortcode {coupon_block_start} and {coupon_block_end}

How to use coupon shortcodes in the template?

The below screenshot shows the email generated from the template shown in the screenshot above.

Note: You can use shortcodes for the subject lines as well.

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