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{firstname}Customer Firstname
{lastname}Customer Lastname
{email}Customer Email Address
{cart_items}Cart Items
{unsubscribe}Unsubscribe Link
{checkout}Checkout Link with automatic customer login
{coupon}Randomly generated coupon code
{coupon_expiry}Coupon Expiry date in d-m-Y format
{coupon_discount}Coupon Discount Value (in percentage or fixed amount)
{coupon_minimum}Coupon Required Minimum Value
Enables or disables the coupon block based on coupon availability
{sold}Shows the number of items sold in the last 24 hours (works only when the number of cart items is 1)
{total_sold}Shows the number of items sold in total (works only when the number of cart items is 1)
{customer_reviews}Shows available customer reviews of the product limited to a maximum of 5 reviews and by default, it picks review rating > 3 (Works only when the number of cart items is 1)
{total_product}Total Products in Cart
{subject_creative}Text if multiple products: You have product_name and x other products waiting in your cart.
Text if single product: You left product_name in your cart. Only a few stocks left!
{product_name}Product Name
{product_name_limited}Product Name limited up to 17 characters.
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