Your Cart

Alerte de retour de produit - [Professionnel]

Cette extension remplace le bouton Ajouter au panier par le bouton M'avertir pour les produits en rupture de stock et affiche un formulaire d'abonnement de retour en stock lorsque le bouton Me notifier est cliqué, et le client peut s'abonner au produit pour recevoir l'alerte lorsque le le produit est de nouveau en stock.

Le client recevra un e-mail et un SMS (facultatif) lorsque la quantité du produit sera mise à jour par l'administrateur.

Cette extension engagera votre client sur votre site Web et vous informera également des demandes des clients et vous donnera l'occasion de fournir à vos clients une qualité et un meilleur service client. Cela vous permet de tenir les clients au courant des produits qu'ils souhaitent acheter mais qui sont en rupture de stock.

Avantages / caractéristiques de cette extension

  1. Améliorez la rotation des stocks et obtenez plus de profit
  2. Fidélisez vos clients et augmentez leur satisfaction
  3. Laissez votre client s'abonner aux produits en rupture de stock
  4. Laissez votre client s'abonner à des options de produits en rupture de stock d'articles configurables
  5. Notifier automatiquement les clients lorsque le produit est de nouveau en stock (Cron Job Setup)
  6. Notifier manuellement les clients [Opération en un clic] lorsque le produit est de nouveau en stock (Cron Job Setup)
  7. Notifier les clients individuels (avec remplacement de la validation des stocks) *
  8. Notification par e-mail au client
  9. Email de confirmation d'abonnement au client *
  10. Éditeur d'e-mails HTML pour les e-mails des clients (codes courts disponibles pour la personnalisation dynamique des e-mails)
  11. Éditeur de modèle de SMS
  12. Graphique de tendance des abonnements aux produits individuels *
  13. Rapport d'abonnement aux produits individuels *
  14. Tendance des abonnements aux produits *
  15. Suivi des options de produits sélectionnées par le client
  16. Suivi de la langue du client
  17. Multi-magasin, multilingue
  18. Contrôle administratif facile
  19. Si le client est connecté, il n'a pas besoin de saisir son adresse e-mail / nom / téléphone. Cette extension recevra automatiquement l'adresse e-mail / le nom / le téléphone du client connecté
  20. Suivi des campagnes Google Analytics
  21. Script de tâche Cron pour automatiser le processus

Comment ça marche?

Il existe 2 autres variantes de cette extension.

  1. Product Back in stock - FORM INLINE- Remplace le bouton Ajouter au panier par un formulaire d'abonnement intégré basé sur le stock du produit
  2. Product Back in stock - Standard- Ne remplace pas le bouton Ajouter au panier mais affiche le formulaire d'abonnement en fonction du stock du produit






















Compatibility2.x.x.x, 3.x.x.x, 4.x.x.x
RequirementOCMOD for opencart 2.x.x.x and 3.x.x.x, VQMOD for OpenCart 4.x.x.x
Core Files OverwriteNo Core files overwritten
Template SupportFree support is applicable only for one template.

Store Front-end Demo

Product without user options

  1. Go to product Iphone
  2. This product is out-of-stock and therefore you can see the notify me button in place of add to cart button
  3. When user clicks on the notify me button, notify form pops up

Product with user options

  1. Go to product Canon EOS 5D 
  2. This product's Color Red is Out-of-stock
  3. If customer selects the out-of-stock option and clicks on add to cart button, notify form pops up. Please note here the add to cart button is not replaced with Notify Me button. But we can add a script which can checks the user selection and dynamically the add to cart button is changed to notify me button. This script is charged extra.

Category Page

  1. Go to category Phones & PDAs
  2. The product Iphone is out-of-stock and therefore it shows notify me button.
  3. When user clicks on the notify me button, notify form pops up
  4. The same behavior can be observed in modules, search page, etc..

Admin Demo

Credentials are prefilled


Open demo instruction in new tab

VERSION : 10.0.7DATE RELEASED: 04 Feb 2024
  • Minor fix related to google chart & jquery (opencart

VERSION : 10.0.6DATE RELEASED: 20 Jan 2024
  • Compatibilty test for opencart and php8+

VERSION : 10.0.5DATE RELEASED: 26 Apr 2023
  • Fixed issue. Product ID was empty when there is no category assigned to the product. Updated the SQL query in the admin model file to fix this issue.

VERSION : 10.0.4DATE RELEASED: 15 Mar 2022
  1. Multiple out-of-stock status selections
  2. Minor validation
  3. Template ID number in the template dropdown field
  4. Updated Patches

VERSION : 10.0.2DATE RELEASED: 03 Jan 2022
  • Fixed issues with Multi-store setup

VERSION : 10.0.1DATE RELEASED: 08 Dec 2021
  • Minor fix w.r.t to SMS API

VERSION : 10.0.0DATE RELEASED: 03 Nov 2021

Extension redesigned & more features added

  1. New table added to the database to support manual product selection
  2. Quick Edit for Product Quantity, Product Option Quantity, Product Status, Product Out-of-Stock Status
  3. More information about the customer
  4. AJAX Quick filter
  5. Filter by Category, filter by Manufacturer, filter by product status, filter by notified status
  6. Demands Tab: List out all the products that are in demand along with stats like total quantity required, and total alerts for the product, and total notified.
  7. Out-of-Stock Products Tab : List of all products where notify function is enabled.
  8. Improved Stats Tab: Monthly Alert Trend, Demand by Brands, Demand by Category, Demand by Products
  9. Email Template system changed. Create unlimted templates and map template easily
  10. Email Template system supports "Email Template Designer Extension"
  11. Email Template Preview
  12. Improvised simple SMS API system
  13. Integrated support for "OpenCart SMS System"
  14. Manual selection of products
  15. Improvised setting for Notify Form
  16. Form type option added. Easily switch between popup mode or embedded mode
  17. Colored row for rows that are notified
  18. Hide/Show columns in the admin table
  19. Pop up has been removed for the product list/grid items. Now it will redirect to the product page if product is out-of-stock. This feature can be added by the support team (if required). A small snippet has to be added to the core js file
  20. Auto delete entries where product is no longer available in the database
  21. CSV Export options for subscription data, products, products demand

VERSION : 9.0.5DATE RELEASED: 13 Aug 2019
  1. Email Validation Function Updated
  2. Multiple selections of records for Notify Selected 

VERSION : 9.0.4DATE RELEASED: 04 Jun 2019
  1. Updated the extension for the latest Journal 3.0.34

VERSION : 9.0.2DATE RELEASED: 25 Mar 2019
  1. Updated compatibilty for Journal3 (w.r.t 3.0.29)

VERSION : 9.0.0DATE RELEASED: 12 Jan 2019
  1. Removed Feature : Removed addtional jquery flot chart plugin added on previous versions
  2. Code optimized for more security and maximum compatibility
  3. Added Feature: Compact view to view the records in admin
  4. Added Feature: Displays available quantity of products and its out of stock status
  5. Added Feature: Displays if the subscribed alert is from a registered customer or guest customer
  6. Added Feature: Displays total amount of purchase made previously by the particular customer
  7. Added Feature: Search option added to seach records by product id or product name or customer email or customer name
  8. Added Feature: Integrated google charts plugin
  9. Added Feature: Product Subscription trend line chart
  10. Added Feature: Individual Product Report and product subscription trend chart
  11. Added Feature: Integrated ckeditor as HTML Editor
  12. Added Feature: Optional HTML Confirmation Email to customer and template editor
  13. Added Feature: SMS HTTP API input field
  14. Added Feature: Installation of add-on script easily from the extension
  15. Added Feature: Selection and Installation of ocmod script for Journal2 template and Journal3 template
  16. Added Feature: Auto deletion of subscription record if the product is deleted


This update is only for OpenCart Versions 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x,, 2.3.x.x

  • VQMOD Dependency Removed
  • OpenCart's OCMOD Dependent
  • file_get_contents function dependency removed; curl function dependency removed
  • Extension location changed from Extensions to Extensions > Modules
  • Database table updated with inclusion of more columns
  • Optional Customer Comment input textarea added to capture customer comment
  • Records Quantity Selection by customer
  • Mobile validation: Minimum Allowed digits and Maximum allowed digits
  • Admin Setting Added : Enable / Disable Admin alert when customer subscribes for the alert
  • Admin Setting Added : Specify admin email address to receive notifications
  • Admin Setting Removed: Admin Email template setup removed
  • HTML template based Admin Email added
  • Detects if Google reCaptcha is enabled in admin. If disabled, enable captcha checkbox is disabled and grayed out.
  • Admin Setting Added : Authentication key for cron jobs
  • Language file updated to include more vocabulary for both admin and store front
  • Captures Customer IP Location
  • Added : Cross Origin Support
  • Added : Auto delete record for products that don't exists
  • Added : Export to Excel download option
  • Added : Notified Date fix tool
  • Added : Database table irregularities fix tool
  • Added : Charts added 
  • Added : Product Image resize 
  • Updated : Campaign tracking setup
  • Updated : Security of the extension to prevent SQL Attack
  • Fixed: Compare page bug

VERSION : 7.8.1DATE RELEASED: 03 Feb 2017
  1. Bug found while in email alert for product option. 
  2. Pagination fix for filters
  3. Journal fix

Update extension from 7.8 to 7.8.1

Only overwrite the admin and catalog folder files. Do not replace XML files.  

  • OCMOD Version released
  • Compatiblity for OpenCart 2.3.x.x Released


  • Shortcode added for customer email - {store_name} and {store_url}
  • Pagination for reports bug fixed for newer versions of opencart


  1. Store URL Tracking from customer end
  2. Multi-store functionality improved
  3. Bell icon added for opencart default template for responsive design
  4. SMS HTTP API field removed. SMS functionality can be added only from the custom work. Contact Support.
  5. Automatic reload of admin report page removed
  6. Notify popup form module removed
  7. PHP File function or CURL function server check added
  8. Bug fixed for "Alert record already exists"
  9. Upgrade 7.0 to 7.5 function added

  1. Added Google Analytics Campaign tracking, so that you know how the extension is working effectively for you
  2. Added cron job for receiving periodic demanded out-of-stock product list to admin email
  3. To upgrade from version 6.1 to 7.0 , refer

Écrire une critique

Note: Le code HTML n'est pas la traduction!
Mal Bien
  1. La licence d'utilisation de l'extension est limitée à un seul domaine et à son sous-domaine. Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'extension dans d'autres domaines, vous devez acheter une autre licence (c'est-à-dire acheter à nouveau)
  2. Après l'achat, vous devez activer la licence en visitant Ceci est fait pour valider votre autorisation.
  3. Vous ne pouvez pas licencier, sous-licencier et revendre nos produits
  4. Vous ne pouvez réutiliser aucune partie du code, de la logique ou de l'algorithme de ce produit ailleurs qui ne satisfait pas le fonctionnement de ce produit comme annoncé.

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